发布日期:2019-08-12 来源:分析测试学报 浏览数:2524 人
中文摘要: 磷脂是所有生物细胞膜的主要成分,在许多生命活动过程中具有重要的功能。但由于生物样本中的磷脂种类繁多,含量极低,存在基质抑制效应,且结构中缺少易电离的官能团,从而导致对磷脂的定性和定量分析较困难。利用化学衍生化技术对其进行结构修饰可以提高离子化效率、改善色谱分离度且提高质谱(MS)检测的灵敏度和选择性。MS与衍生化方法结合已被广泛用于蛋白组学、糖组学、代谢物等的分析。近年来,这一策略逐渐被应用于脂质组学的分析研究。该文综述了国内外近10年基于衍生化技术的甘油磷脂分析方法及其应用研究进展,以激发衍生化技术在脂质组学分析中的应用潜能。
中文关键词: 化学衍生化 甘油磷脂 质谱 脂质组学
Progress in Analysis Methods of Glycerophospholipid Based on Chemical Derivatization
Abstract: Glycerophospholipids are the main components of all biological cell membranes,which play a very important physiological role in many life activities,including serving as an extracellular mediator in induction of cellular proliferation,involving in the development of nervous and vascular systems,intracellular signaling,and suppression of apoptosis.It is a great challenge for the identification and quantitative analysis of phospholipids due to the variety of glycerophospholipid species,their occurrence at low concentrations in biological samples,matrix effects and the lack of easily ionized groups in their chemical structures.Effective approach has been employed to improve their ionization efficiency,chromatographic resolution,and significantly increase the sensitivity of mass spectrometry(MS) detection by modifying the chemical structures of glycerophospholipids through derivatization technique.The integration of MS with derivatization has been widely used in proteomics,glyconics,metabolite analysis and many other applications.In recent years,this strategy has been gradually applied in lipidomics.An overview on derivatization in MS-based strategy for lipidomic analysis over the last decade is presented in this review,and glycerophospholipids which are relatively important lipids in biological systems are mainly focused.
Key Words: derivatization glycerophospholipid mass spectrometry(MS) lipidomics
引用本文: 马会芳,魏芳,董绪燕,陈洪,黄凤洪.基于衍生化技术的甘油磷脂分析方法研究进展[J].分析测试学报,2018,37(11):1396-1404.