发布日期:2019-08-13   来源:分析测试学报   浏览数:2517


金丹丹,Anthony S.Wexler,陈文年,刘荔,周振,李雪



中文摘要:人体呼出气中内源性颗粒物和外源性颗粒物的粒径和化学成分信息可为肺部疾病诊断、环境暴露评价等研究提供参考。该文初步考察了单颗粒气溶胶质谱(Single particle aerosol mass spectrometry,SPAMS)同时获取人体呼出气中颗粒物(Exhaled breath particles,EBPs)粒径分布和化学成分的可行性。结果表明,健康成人的EBPs数浓度为227~1 043 个/L,获取具有统计意义的粒径分布所需的EBPs检出限为2 500个颗粒物,粒径范围为200~1 000 nm,峰值出现在460 nm。与环境空气颗粒物的粒径分布相比,EBPs更多分布在200~300 nm和440~660 nm,从化学成分来看,这两段粒径范围内的EBPs含有更多的碳元素,不易在体内发生吸湿增长,提高了被呼出的概率。EBPs的化学成分可能反映内源性颗粒物和外源性颗粒物组成,如HSO-4、PO-3、CN-、CNO-和CxHyO+z(x=1~3,y=1~7,z=1~3)可能与内源性颗粒物中的蛋白含量、磷酸酯酰甘油等成分有关,碳簇峰C-3、C-4、C+、C+3、C3H+和C+4推测与外源性颗粒物中的碳元素有关。

中文关键词:人体呼出气  气溶胶颗粒物  单颗粒气溶胶质谱  粒径分布  化学成分


Characterization of Size Distribution and Chemical Composition of Exhaled Particles by Using Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

Abstract:The understanding of size distribution and chemical composition of aerosol particles in human exhaled breath could provide helpful information for disease diagnosis,environmental exposure assessment,etc.In this study,the feasibility for simultaneously acquiring the size distribution and chemical composition of exhaled breath particles(EBPs) of human by single particle aerosol mass spectrometry(SPAMS) was preliminarily investigated.The EBPs were dried with a Nafion tubing,then directly analyzed by SPAMS.The number concentration of EBPs for a healthy adult is about 227-1 043 pcs/L,and the limit of detection(LOD) for obtaining a representative size distribution profile is 2 500 pieces,which means approximately 10 L of breath sample is required for the analysis.The exhaled particles sizes dominantly ranged from 200 nm to 1 000 nm,and the peak was observed at 460 nm.For the exhaled particles,the size distribution and chemical profiles reflect the information involving both exogenous and endogenous particles.Compared with that for particles in ambient air,the size distribution profile for exhaled particles contained higher abundance of relative particle numbers(RPNs) in the ranges of 200-300 nm and 440-660 nm,which were lower than or comparable with the RPNs in the ranges of 320-420 nm and 680-2 000 nm.Regarding the chemical composition,it was speculated that the higher presence of CxHyO+z(x=1~3,y=1~7,z=1~3),PO-3,CN- and CNO- in the exhaled particles(680-2 000 nm) might result from the endogenous phosphatidylglycerol and protein,whereas C-3、C-4、C+、C+3、C3H+and C+4in the range of 200-300 nm concern with the carbon of exogenous particles in the inhaled air.
Key Words:human exhaled breath  aerosol particle  single particle mass spectrometry  size distribution  chemical composition

引用本文:金丹丹,Anthony S.Wexler,陈文年,刘荔,周振,李雪.基于单颗粒气溶胶质谱的人体呼出颗粒物粒径分布与化学成分的分析方法研究[J].分析测试学报,2018,37(8):906-912.


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